Drepung Loseling Monastery, Inc.

How You Can Help

Make a Donation
Donate to any DLM projects.
Sponsor our Little Tibet
Help us complete our vision of a “Little Tibet” in Atlanta.
Become a Sustaining Sponsor
Help us preserve the endangered Tibetan culture and provide theoretical knowledge and practical training in Tibetan Buddhist scholarly traditions.
Sponsor a Monk
Learn how $20 a month can help to support a monk.
Donate while you Shop Online
Make your purchase count at over 690 stores with no additional cost to you through iGive.com.

Buy or Sell on ebay to support Drepung Loseling
Donate a percentage of your next ebay sale or purchase items donating to DLM.
Become a Volunteer
Help support Drepung Loseling and your community by volunteering your time and talent.